It doesn’t get light for a long time in the morning and dark early in the evening. At least part of their work is not only carried out by our logistics teams on the roads in the dark or at dusk.
Our co-drivers in particular need to be especially visible during these hours. They take the garbage cans to the truck and put them back after emptying, get on and off the running board.
They cover distances on foot and actively participate in road traffic as pedestrians.
Other road users, cyclists, cars, buses – everyone is impatient and wants to get past a slow-moving refuse collection vehicle quickly.
That is why we have invested in new technology in line with our company motto “one idea ahead” – this is still far from standard in municipal waste disposal in Germany.
Our co-drivers don’t just wear the usual high visibility clothing – which only lights up when it is illuminated and reflects light accordingly. They wear new additional protective clothing that actively emits light. Integrated LED light strips that are powered by a power bank are always visible. The LED lamps light up automatically when the front passenger moves away from the vehicle. For this purpose, a sensor is installed on the vehicle that registers when the counterpart in the clothing is removed. The lights on the vests then come on and the employees are particularly visible.
We were asked “is this really necessary”? Our answer: A resounding yes.
The protection of our team and the health and safety of each individual is our top priority.
The two pictures show the comparison of work clothing with LED light strips.