Inauguration of the donor stele at the THI

Lesezeit: 1 min


We have made a donation of EUR 10,000 to the Friends of Ingolstadt Technical University. We are the first donor to be listed with a logo on the donor column shown below, which is located in the entrance hall of the THI. Reinhard Büchl Sr. was the founding chairman of the Association for the Promotion of the Technical University of Ingolstadt, has been very active there in the past and was recently made an honorary member of the association. There are currently only three sponsorship plaques on the pillar. The BÜCHL Group, Sparkasse Ingolstadt-Eichstätt and Framos Holding GmbH.

The THI sees itself as a university of the region for the region. It is linked to companies and institutions in a variety of ways. Founded in 1994, the purpose of the association is to support and promote the TH Ingolstadt both ideally and materially. It has been involved in financial projects for many years and supplements the budget funds provided by the Bavarian state with contributions and donations.

Picture: Reinhard Büchl sen. center with other donors and representatives of THI at the inauguration of the donor stele (Photo: THI)

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